Saturday, February 2, 2019

Follow your dreams

Everyone always tells me to follow my dreams. But what even is a dream? Is it a journey? A craving of something more? Well, according to Cinderella, "A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep". Even though I live for Disney, I don't think this definition is very accurate. There isn't any action or hard work mentioned in Cinderella's connotation of a dream. So I looked it up. The exact definition is "a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal". So I guess Cinderella was a little bit right. Moral of the story: Don't doubt Disney.

This week was one of the worst weeks I have ever had. Nothing bad happened to me, but I was just so unlike myself and felt terrible about myself. I guess in the end, I was scared. This is something that is really hard for me to admit. But I was. I was scared.

I was scared about the Turkish flags on the Armenian schools in LA. I am writing a research paper on Armenian immigration, and it kills me to see that Armenians have been through so much hostility and hatred toward their culture and it continues to happen today. I was afraid that it would happen to my school. Even though my school is very safe, I was afraid that if it happened nobody would care. It turns out, there are people in my life who always seem to care about what I care about and would support me if anything like that ever happened to me. Sometimes I forget that they are there because I get too caught up in my head.

I was scared because I didn't have a plan for the future. It was overwhelming to me once I realized I don't have a favorite subject, or really a desire to have any specific job in the future. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, and I now realize that it is ok. I don't even need to figure it out for years! I just like being prepared, but I now have learned that I do not need to prepare for things that are not happening in the near future.

In the end, I was scared because I didn't have a dream. Yes, I have wishes, but I am very hesitant to persue them. Now I understand what people mean when they say follow your dreams. It means to make your wishes a reality and never let them go because you are a strong and beautiful person and can do anything. As Cinderella would say, "Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through"