Friday, September 20, 2019

Sophomore Year- The Beginning

Hi World. Wow, a lot has gone on and there is too much to explain. But my sophomore year has started off and I am enjoying it. Yeah, there is work, but I don't really mind that. I always tend to care about the social aspect of school. 

I made JV B for soccer. The worst team. So that wrecked a lot of my confidence going into sophomore year. And that sucks. It was probably the worst thing I went through in my life. And I'm still upset about it. But I am trying to make the best out of the situation, even though it tears me like paper when I see all my friends on JV A wearing their jerseys. 

I really enjoy starting high school with a solid group of friends. They actually care about me and give me energy and laughter for days:). I'm getting closer to each one individually too which makes me feel less like I'm out of the circle. I really love them<3. And I bet only a few will even read this, but if they do hey cutie:)

Since soccer doesn't bring me the joy that it used to, I've been really trying to be closer with my marching band friends and the group. I hated it last year because I felt so unwanted. But this year, everyone is so much fun to hang out with. 

So, sophomore year has been good so far. But recently I've been torn of who I want to be. I feel like I pretend to be the person I want to be on the outside, but on the inside, I am totally different. Only my really close friends notice, but its been bothering me. Changing your identity is a hard thing to, I learned because you can change yourself but not how people perceive you. I have yet to come to terms with that though. Because people might think that I am different than I actually am and I want them to know I am not like that. And I also know that changing people's opinions of me is not my job and that I should just let God and themselves come to whatever conclusion they want. Now I am just gonna be the me that I want to be. A mix of the two.