Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Your Ability to Choose

In class a while ago, my English teacher has us watch this video before we put in what course we want to take next year. The video was about finding your purpose in life. Not gonna lie, it scared me. I've never been one of those people that have their life planned out, and it's always bothered me. I think it's because I am scared of letting people down, especially myself. 

I am afraid of the future. It's so unpredictable and overwhelming. But, I guess, that's a good thing. It leads to almost endless opportunities that I can choose from. I have the ability to choose my future. And that's been another hard thing to accept. You only live once. And I know that quote is kind of cliche, but it is true. You have one life on this Earth, so make your own choices and make the most of it. Write thank you cards to people who have impacted your life. Help a stranger. Give back to something or someone. Choose the path that makes you the happiest.

If for some reason your path lost the happiness that it gave you, follow a different one. That was another lesson I got from the video. Things change in life. If you want something better, go for it. Do not suffer for others. I learned that lesson the hard way. 

I learned that everything starts with you. How you handle things, your mindset, your ability to choose to name a few. You choose your life, so choose the one you want. 

Whatever I choose, I will be writing.