Tuesday, July 12, 2022

oh yeah I graduated high school

so I'm done. I graduated high school in early June, and then I have endured various trips every week since then from CT and RI to Mexico. Now I'm finally able to have a few days to reflect on graduating before leaving for my next adventure in NY.  I haven't really been sad about it. High School was an experience for me (as you've probably realized from this blog) and it was what it needed to be. I learned how to let things go, be my authentic self even if that person does change from time to time, and make lasting friendships even if there weren't many. And those were just some of the social things. I feel like my time at Bedford High School has prepared me for the rigor of college classes and I'm ready and excited to take on those courses that relate to the field I want to pursue. 

My friend group and I were aching for the moment we never had to see some of our old teachers and classmates again. We're excited about the fresh start and environment, and leaving BHS was our final step to reach that at our new universities. But recently, I realized there are going to be things I miss. 

The routine of seeing the same people every day is one. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to meet more people in person at college, but the school is a lot bigger and I might not have the consistency I'm used to. I'm going to miss my Day 1/4 Lunch with all of my friends that was spent in the band room dancing to our favorite tunes, even if Mr. Felker was there. And of course, I'm gonna miss him, my favorite band director. I've had him as a teacher since 7th grade and it's so different to not have him be my go-to teacher anymore. 

I know I've been ready for college since Day 1, but now I'm seeing my classmates grow up and get ready for their college experiences. The people I've literally gone to school with since as early as Kindergarten are no longer going to be in my classes and extracurriculars (except one). It's really strange to me. I knew I'd leave pieces of my high school self behind, but I didn't realize other people would be doing it too. 

I am excited about college. If you bring it up to me I get all happy and jumpy and will go on and on as to why I picked Bryant University. I love my roommate and the people I've met so far. I love the community and now that it will feel like home for me. I know that the fall will bring forth some challenges and change, which does scare me, but because I put so much effort into finding my perfect school it doesn't feel as daunting. The things I'll miss in high school will be replaced with better things that continue to bring me joy. I already feel like I made the best decision for my future, even at a young age, and that alone brings me sheer happiness and outweighs my fears.