Friday, November 27, 2020

corona be hitting different

Each Friday in English class, we have something called "Free Write Friday" where we take out a piece of paper and write out whatever comes into our brain for 10 mins. It's helped me so much to clear my brain, and I recommend you make time for it too. 

I know it's not just me, but once Daylight Savings Time comes and the sunsets at 3pm, my days feel suffocated. If I need to just take a break from things, I have fewer options cause you can't really go outside. I feel like my days are spent in my room, and it unsettles me. But this is how the world is right now. 

Zoom Fatigue is also a real struggle for me. On Wednesdays, I see all of my classes remotely, with 30 minutes each class. And damnnnn I'm tired after the second one! I hate staring at a screen all day, sometimes not even talking. I'm so thankful that I can go to school two days a week, for now. 

Another thing that's worn me out was seeing all the things going on in Artsakh and Armenia on all of my Armenian friend's Instagram stories. I tried taking a break, but I felt so guilty that I just stopped. I'm not gonna summarize it here, if you're curious, there are links and Instagram accounts below. If you want to donate, I'll also put the link to the Armenia Fund below. Anyway, it hurt seeing all the stories and young soldiers on the front lines. I've mainly stopped posting now because I'm tired of being sad all the time. I know they are struggling in Armenia, but I've done my part, and now it's in God's control. 

I wrote this to remind you guys that you aren't alone. Although you may feel it in these covid times, there are people in your life that care about you. Last night, I thought of all the people that care about me, and whose lives would be different without me. I wanted to tell people that they are loved no matter what flaws they have which is why I've stated some of mine. We aren't perfect, even if you strive to be as close as you can to perfect. But perfect doesn't exist. Ask yourself, "what's my perfect"  or "what's my expectations for myself" and you might realize that they aren't reachable. 

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving yesterday! I hope that everyone stayed safe and that this will be over soon:)