Monday, March 30, 2020

Stressing and Purel Obsessing

Wow. This month has been a year. It feels weird to be living like I'm in a history textbook. I wish I could give insight on how to be okay and calm during the coronavirus quarantine, but I can't. I'm stressed, and I have been for a while.
It's weird having every single part of your routine just taken away from you so suddenly. Everyone lost some event they wanted already, like a sweet 16, musical, band concert, sports tournaments, jobs, school, just to name a few. It's been scary. I've made routines and daily objectives that ease some stress.
I've realized that I like having control in my life, and this virus takes away a lot of my control. In a virtual ACYOA (youth group) ZOOM call, we talked about things we are able to controls and things we cant. We should not stress about the things we cannot control, yet I do. A lot. I stress a lot about things I cannot control, and sometimes I can't stop. I call it spiraling. But, when you step back and enjoy life's moments the spiraling stops.
Now, this is harder to do being quarantined because I can't just go outside or really get "me" time. Everyone is in the house at the same time, and as an active family, I find this not normal and stressful. I have been cooped up in my room for the most part cause I just want to breathe and relax by myself.
This new life is different, but with time I know, it will become a new normal and not freak me out.
I know there are many people out there just like me, worrying about the future and surviving and doing the right thing. To those people, look outside and around at your life right now, Notice the gifts of life and God bestowed upon us. Listen to the hum of people at home and music and noise coming from technology. There's a song that's been in my head all day called The Life by Alicia Keys. Highly recommend. That's what I'm listening to:). Hold on to the people that matter to you the most. And wash those hands.