Thursday, February 4, 2021

apology to myself

 These past few weeks have been challenging for me. My motivation for schoolwork is at an all-time low which I hate, but school during the pandemic is so hard. Some days I'm super anxious, some days sad, some days super happy and productive, and some days I just want to lie in bed all day. I know its not just me who is struggling right now, just know I am praying for each and every one of you. 

My screen time has also been very high because I spend my days face timing friends, doing homework, and scrolling endlessly through Instagram. Even though Instagram (and Social Media in general) is hella toxic, I actually do find myself getting helpful advice here and there. I follow some inspirational people, including this woman named Deanna Giuliletti, who makes tiktoks of her ootd (oo ta dah's) and encourages body positivity. I follow people that give advice on healthy eating, reminders to drink water and stop scrolling, and even some that help with procrastination. Yesterday, I saw a tiktok/reel that said "Writing Prompt: Write an Apology Letter to Yourself". I wanted to try it and here it is:

Dear me,

I'm sorry I don't always take care of you as much as I should. I'm sorry I yell at you when you make mistakes. I'm sorry I haven't always loved you. I want to and will love you forever. I'm sorry that I lost our confidence as I grew up. It's coming back even though people tend to bring it down. Let's get stronger together now. I'm proud of you.
             Lots of Love, Ariana